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The Hair of the Dog and Other Healthy Remedies for Your Next Hangover

We all dread it—you stayed all night at the party of the year; you had one too many on a big night out; perhaps you were a bit too enthusiastic about the holiday punch. When a hangover happens, we all want to get rid of the symptoms fast and get on with life the following day. Keep reading to learn all about the Hair of the Dog, a nutritionally rich detox, and how consuming alcohol can actually provide hangover relief.

What is The Hair of the Dog?

We all dread it—you stayed all night at the party of the year; you had one too many on a big night out; perhaps you were a bit too enthusiastic about the holiday punch. When a hangover happens, we all want to get rid of the symptoms fast and get on with life the following day. Keep reading to learn all about the Hair of the Dog, a nutritionally rich detox, and how consuming alcohol can actually provide hangover relief.

Trading the bite of a rabid dog for the “bite” of too much alcohol, the concept behind the hair of the dog posits that a small amount of alcohol will help you combat a hangover after you’ve had a few drinks too many. But, that’s enough about history. Let’s discuss what’s in the hair of the dog for treating a hangover.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sit amet diam in lorem ultrices faucibus id non turpis. Mauris vitae libero enim. Vestibulum dictum, magna sed vehicula laoreet, urna odio egestas est, eget gravida dui odio tempus odio. Etiam non odio id arcu tincidunt pulvinar quis et risus. Nam non aliquet tellus. Nunc pulvinar maximus nisi non viverra. Pellentesque tempus efficitur lectus at suscipit.

Suspendisse sit amet arcu id massa sodales varius nec id velit. Etiam non euismod quam, ut vehicula dui. Nullam suscipit augue interdum dapibus scelerisque. Nunc viverra, leo vel pretium pulvinar, quam tortor suscipit enim, ut mollis quam purus ac leo. Duis porta erat eget cursus eleifend. Suspendisse urna est, fermentum consequat nulla et, bibendum vehicula mi. Nulla ut pretium libero. Ut vitae gravida est. Vestibulum id cursus mi. Maecenas dui turpis, gravida ut ante quis, malesuada gravida nibh. Duis dapibus mauris eget elit sagittis, quis sodales felis ultrices. Mauris malesuada efficitur lectus, non suscipit arcu finibus ut. Sed ante purus, bibendum vitae tortor sed, egestas molestie felis.
Donec vel facilisis velit, eget ullamcorper magna. Curabitur lacinia nibh gravida, malesuada lacus sed, vehicula nulla. Vivamus tempor malesuada diam, vel cursus nisi vulputate sit amet. Aliquam nec metus vel velit iaculis pellentesque ac quis est.

 Suspendisse ut cursus tellus, eget varius orci. Maecenas aliquet, ligula vel sollicitudin varius, tellus nulla convallis enim, a euismod urna risus sit amet augue. Duis aliquet laoreet turpis, in consectetur mauris pulvinar vel. Nullam at tempus tellus. Vivamus dui enim, sagittis vel sagittis eget, laoreet et sapien. Integer ut augue quis tellus semper mollis. Nunc convallis congue accumsan. Vivamus dignissim nulla at nibh congue semper.
We all dread it—you stayed all night at the party of the year; you had one too many on a big night out; perhaps you were a bit too enthusiastic about the holiday punch. When a hangover happens, we all want to get rid of the symptoms fast and get on with life the following day. Keep reading to learn all about the Hair of the Dog, a nutritionally rich detox, and how consuming alcohol can actually provide hangover relief.

Is proten a useful for health - dum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic […]
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The Hair Of The Healthy Remedies For Your

The Hair of the Dog is made up of three simple ingredients: cream, scotch whiskey, and honey syrup.
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Article Details with Recipe Embedded

The Hair of the Dog is made up of three simple ingredients: cream, scotch whiskey, and honey syrup.
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Does more alcohol really help?

We all dread it—you stayed all night at the party of the year; you had one too many on a big night out; perhaps you were a bit too enthusiastic about the holiday punch. When a hangover happens, we all want to get rid of the symptoms fast and get on with life the following day. Keep reading to learn all about the Hair of the Dog, a nutritionally rich detox, and how consuming alcohol can actually provide hangover relief.

We all dread it—you stayed all night at the party of the year; you had one too many on a big night out; perhaps you were a bit too enthusiastic about the holiday punch. When a hangover happens, we all want to get rid of the symptoms fast and get on with life the following day. Keep reading to learn all about the Hair of the Dog, a nutritionally rich detox, and how consuming alcohol can actually provide hangover relief.

We all dread it—you stayed all night at the party of the year; you had one too many on a big night out; perhaps you were a bit too enthusiastic about the holiday punch. When a hangover happens, we all want to get rid of the symptoms fast and get on with life the following day. Keep reading to learn all about the Hair of the Dog, a nutritionally rich detox, and how consuming alcohol can actually provide hangover relief.

We all dread it—you stayed all night at the party of the year; you had one too many on a big night out; perhaps you were a bit too enthusiastic about the holiday punch. When a hangover happens, we all want to get rid of the symptoms fast and get on with life the following day. Keep reading to learn all about the Hair of the Dog, a nutritionally rich detox, and how consuming alcohol can actually provide hangover relief.

Is proten a useful for health - dum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic […]
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The Hair Of The Healthy Remedies For Your

The Hair of the Dog is made up of three simple ingredients: cream, scotch whiskey, and honey syrup.
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Making the Hair of the Dog Drink

The recipe is a simple equation of equal parts cream and honey to two parts whiskey.
  • ounce cream or half-and-half
  • ounces scotch whiskey
  • ounce honey syrup (½ ounce water and ½ ounce honey)
To prepare, heat the water and honey together over low heat until everything is combined and the honey is dissolved, then allow to cool. Add everything together in a shaker partially filled with ice cubes. Shake until chilled, strain ice, pour into a glass, and consume.

Detox Your Body The Tasty Way

To prepare, heat the water and honey together over low heat until everything is combined and the honey is dissolved, then allow to cool. Add everything together in a shaker partially filled with ice cubes. Shake until chilled, strain ice, pour into a glass, and consume.
So The Story Goes
Like for so many others, life and work took us on different paths. One couple made a life on the East Coast and the other put down roots on the West Coast. Although life separated us in miles, we have since been reunited through the life-changing interests of healthy habits and common mutual interests. Now, we are on a mission to share our discoveries with others who are interested in improving their health without following a difficult protocol...
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Shaking Things
Most everyone reaches a point in their life when they begin to place more focus on their health and longevity. When we did, the smoothie culture was the solution for all of us. Why?
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Here you’ll find age-specific nutrition recommendations and recipe ingredients. All the smoothie recipes are easy to make by simply combining and blending all ingredients 1-2 minutes.
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Shaking Things
Most everyone reaches a point in their life when they begin to place more focus on their health and longevity. When we did, the smoothie culture was the solution for all of us. Why?
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